getting ready for primary school
Starting School in September 2024
If your child was born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020 they will be due to start school in September 2024.
Contact for questions or support:
School Admissions Email:
Tel: 01522 782030 (open 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday)
Things to do before you apply online
Before applying online for a school place you should read the and the individual schools’ admissions policies. We also strongly recommend that you make dates to visit your preferred schools.
Click on the Downloads tab for the following booklets:
- Going to Primary School in Lincolnshire - Information about admissions
- Lincolnshire School Admission Guide 2024 – Relates to starting school in Reception
- Choosing Childcare and Caring for Children
If your child has a statement of Special Educational Needs you cannot apply online for a school place. You will need to contact your child’s named officer.
To apply online visit:
New to area? If you want to see what schools are around where you live visit:
It is really important to name more than one school on your application. If you name only one preference and the school is unable to offer your child that place, your child will then be allocated a place at the end of the process, after all those children that have named second and third preferences on their application.
Important Dates for your diary:
The application process starts 15th November 2023
National online closing date for applications at 12 noon - 15th January 2024
Lincolnshire's final closing date for late applications and changes 9th February 2024 (your application may not be accepted if you apply to schools outside of Lincolnshire).
Applications received after this date, will not be offered a place on national offer date, but will be offered a place in the 2nd round of allocations. No changes can be made to an application after this date to be taken into account for national offer day
National Offer Day:
You can view your offered school online or the letter will 16th April 2024
School admissions dates – timetable after National Offer Day
If you refuse the offer please do so by this date 30th April 2024
Late and Revised applications will be processed week commencing 17th May 2024
NB: School admissions will continue to accept and process applications for all Lincolnshire schools up to the end of August. From September the schools hold the reserve list.
Please note: It is not compulsory to attend school until the term after the child reaches the age of 5 years. However, even if you do not want your child to attend school from September, you still need to apply for a place at the normal time. You can ask your allocated school to defer entry for your child.
What are the advantages to apply online?
- You will be able to see your offered school on the offer date and will not have to wait for the post
- You can change the details on your application up until the closing date.
- You can apply any time, any place, anywhere so you don't miss the deadline
- You will receive an email acknowledgement of receipt
- Your application will be received on the same day
- It is fast and secure
- The system will guide you through the completion of the application
- You can accept the place offered online
- If you are not happy with the offered school you can usually appeal online
Keep a note of your username and password as you will need this each time you go online, either to make any changes or view your offer of a place
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Username: |
Password: |
If you require access to a computer or support filling in the online admission form please contact us or St Giles Children's Centre.
Children’s readiness for school from a child’s point of view, they should:
be excited, enthusiastic, curious and confident about learning
be resilient and ready to take on all that is on offer
be independent by using self-help skills
be comfortable to communicate their thoughts, ideas and needs in their own way
start to develop an awareness of their own emotions and behaviour as well as being able to reflect upon them
be active and healthy
feel safe, secure and cared for
be comfortable in approaching others
see adults as a source of support
have a broad range of knowledge and skills gained through everyday experiences
feel that the contributions they make are valued and respected
feel that their efforts will be recognised and celebrated
start to develop their turn taking and cooperative skills
know that they are at the forefront of the adult’s mind
ask questions, take risks and find solutions
Children displaying these characteristics and supported by skilled and knowledgeable adults will reach their potential by the end of the Reception year.
Parents play a vital role in enabling children to be ‘school ready’
From a family’s point of view this means:
recognising that you are your child’s most important role-model
having fun with your child: playing, talking and sharing together regularly and frequently
using everyday experiences as learning opportunities and giving your child opportunities to take the lead
doing familiar and different things together and showing your interest in discovering new things
encouraging your child to try out their ideas and different ways of doing things
being encouraging by giving feedback and showing an interest
celebrating your child’s achievement in language development – singing songs, nursery and finger rhymes and making time for talk
supporting your child’s self-help skills so that they learn to do things for themselves and make choices
recognising and talking through your child’s feelings and different emotions
allowing enough time for relaxation, rest and play
providing opportunities for your child to meet and relate to others including adults beyond close family and friends so that they positively experience socialising, sharing toys and turn taking
establishing a good sleep routine
reading with and to your child, every day if you can
involving your child in getting to know their school before starting
share your child’s interests, experiences and fascinations with people working with your child
seeking professional advice and guidance on any issues about your child which concern you
ensuring your child is as active and healthy as they can be